The Goods

I you’re a regular reader of the blog, you know that we skipped Taco Tuesday this week. Well, not all of us. After running a few errands Monday morning, I came home to photograph the awesome slow cooker tacos I made over the weekend but my husband ate EVERY LAST BITE of the them. I came home to a pan soaking in the sink and him on the couch with a fully belly and sheepish look on his face. So yeah, how about I make them again in a few weeks and I’ll blog them then?

The Goods |

My favorite childhood candy in a shake. I die.

Dangerously good. Two of my favorites combined.

Loved this article on eating real food.

Tips for freezing fruits and veggies– ’tis the season!

The Goods |

It’s been raining here all week. Which makes for luscious mountains, a happy garden and incredible foggy mornings. Going to miss waking up to this view every morning.

I can’t get enough of these. One in my car, one in the swim bag and the other on my desk.

Start and end your day with more joy. Here’s how.

The Goods |

Sometimes I miss having little ones around. I got the rare snuggle the other day and milked it for all it was worth. We sat in the car like this for almost an hour and it was delicious.

Words of wisdom to pass on to your kiddos.

Because what I need is another pair of workout pants. #not

Especially because I just got these on sale last week.

The Goods |

I’ve been on a reading tear this summer. 10 books and counting. Thanks to the recommendations on my Facebook page, I just ordered this and the first one in this series. I’ll let you know how they are!

How genius are these lids? Because we’ve had one too many smoothie spills in the last week.

I’m pretty sure I need these boots for winter.

And I might need this sweater too.

Did I say need? I think I meant want.

The Goods |

And your #weeklychubby shot is almost too much for me. Couldn’t you just eat them? My first fur baby and my first human baby all snuggled up on the floor. My heart melted, broke and filled all at the same time.

Have a great weekend, everyone! xo