Introducing Ziplist

I’m excited to introduce a new feature here on Mountain Mama Cooks.


I’ve partnered with Ziplist, an online power source for saving recipes and creating grocery lists. It’s a fun and easy way for you to save your favorite recipes that you find here. Not only can you access recipes you find on Mountain Mama Cooks but dozens of other food blogs and big sites as well! At the bottom of each post, where the recipe is posted, you’ll find a “save” button that will archive any of the recipes you want to save from my site.

Introducing Ziplist,

It’s easy to sign up if you haven’t already. On the far right side of my homepage, you can click on “recipes” which will link you to the Ziplist sign in page. It’s simple to do and if you read many food blogs, it’s a great way to save all the recipes you want to make in one easy place! Click here to see all of Ziplist’s partners.

New Ziplist Feature,

In addition to saving recipes, you can create shopping lists and even find out what local sales your grocery stores are having. If you have any questions, feel free to email me or you can visit the Ziplist website directly for more information!

Have a great weekend and check back Monday for a new recipe!